Friday, August 7, 2009

Letter Writing Campaign!

Well, I am channeling all that energy into letter writing! I sent my first letter to Commissioner Roger Goodell of the NFL. I asked him to reconsider his position on reinstating Michael Vick into the NFL. I told him I was a concerned dog owner who found his actions inexcusable. I also let him know that I would be boycotting any NFL sponsors and would not be watching football this season. This seriously impairs me because I LIVE FOR FOOTBALL!!! No really, I love football, but I am willing to give it up to help a cause. So from now until the end of the season I will be writing Mr. Goodell a letter every week. Now, keep in mind these are pleasant enough letters. I tell him about my dogs, my passion for the k-9 population and how we all have the chance to do the right thing. Although I am sure the NFL interns will be handling this mail more so than he will, I hope it makes an impact on someone. If you would like to join me in my letter writing campaign you can reach the commissioner at the following address:
Comm. Roger Goodell
c/o National Football League
280 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10017
In the meantime, take good care of your 4 legged friends!